Encounter the bold, wild, compassionate love of God in the midst of your suffering.

Suffering is something most Christians don’t know how to talk about honestly. You might go to church and when someone asks you “how are you?” you smile, say “fine,” and go home. You may venture out and be honest with a few people about your struggles. A common Christian response to another in pain is to tell them to read their Bible, pray more, or “give it over to God.” Other responses might point out the “lack of faith” of the person suffering. Even if these responses are with good intentions, they make you feel more isolated and inadequate. You might be questioning yourself, wondering if God really loves you, or if He even exists at all.

When we look at Scripture, we see more than a God who expects us to do everything right. We see a God who meets people in the midst of their suffering with a bold, radical love. “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am with them” (Matthew 18:20). By gathering with another and bringing your doubt, pain, and trauma to God, you are opening the door to encountering Him in transformative ways.


Christian counseling in Fort Collins, CO.

Christian Counseling

Christian counseling is more than saying a prayer at the beginning of a session and reading a few Bible verses together. It’s also more than trying to fit God into secular views of psychology. At A Way Through Counseling, Christian counseling is about inviting God into your past and present pain. We will explore the ministry of Jesus in your life through the message of the gospel. There is room for your hard questions, your doubt, and your pain. There is also hope for the “peace that passes all understanding” (Phillippians 4:6) in the midst of your suffering, and for the joy that comes through healing and resurrection. Christian counseling goes beyond the self-help approach of alleviating pain and seeks to find rest and peace from an eternal perspective.

Counseling Religious Abuse and Deconstruction

Let’s admit it, the church has failed in so many ways. From direct physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by Christian leaders, to the nationalism and oppression of Evangelical culture, to unwillingness to acknowledge scientific findings, oppression toward the LGBTQIA+ community, or the harm caused by purity culture, there has been so much damage done by people who claim to love Jesus. It is incredibly painful and isolating to examine the beliefs you were given and wonder if they are true. Deconstruction is often considered “heresy” or “falling away,” but it is a normal part of spiritual development. Counseling for religious abuse and deconstruction makes room for your experience without an agenda of preaching at you or “bringing you back” to your original faith. It honors the pain you have gone through and does not try to minimize it through Bible verses or forcing forgiveness. It also recognizes the opportunity for something much more vast and wild than you may have known before.

Resources Informing Our Approach to Christian Counseling and/or Deconstruction