Trauma therapy to help you heal

You can’t stop thinking about what happened. You keep replaying it over and over in your mind. It’s making it hard to sleep, to get out of bed, or to be around people. You don’t think anyone could understand what you have been through, so you keep it to yourself. Images might come across your mind, and at times it feels like you are reliving it all over again. You have low self-esteem or feel like what happened was your fault. You try to distract yourself, but it feels impossible to heal or move forward.

Who were you before this happened? What did you hope for? What did you love? At A Way Through Counseling, we want to help you find your way back to that person.

Healing is possible.

Trauma does not have to hold you back from living the life you want to live. At A Way Through Counseling, we offer several types of therapy to help you heal, including:

  • Teaching you skills to cope with and process memories of what happened to you

  • Anchoring you in who you are at your core so you can move forward in living your life

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) - specialized therapy that helps your mind process what happened and understand that the trauma is over

You might benefit from trauma therapy if:

  • You re-experience what happened to you through intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, or dreams about the event.

  • You avoid things, people, or places that remind you of what happened.

  • Things you used to enjoy are not fun anymore

  • You feel “on edge” all the time, and might sometimes have outbursts

  • You can’t sleep or sleep way too much

  • You use alcohol, drugs, social media, or other things to help you “check out”

  • You have low self-esteem, blame yourself, or feel hopeless that anything could be better

If you think you might benefit from trauma therapy, please reach out for an appointment today.